Friday, June 18, 2010

What color hair should i go?

i dyed my hair bright blonde but its hard to maintain and not really that healthy for my hair. my natural color is dark blonde, i have pale skin, blue eyes and my hair is quite long. i was wanting a change but i'm not sure what color to go for.

any ideas? thanx xxxx

What color hair should i go?

Sorry, no ideas...I prefer natural no matter the color.....

What color hair should i go?

Auburn , mahogany =]

What color hair should i go?

A really nice reddy/brown it's a nice warm colour

What color hair should i go?

brunette would be cute, or an orange color.!

What color hair should i go?

go brown that would look great with your eyes

What color hair should i go?

Try Red, well auburn. Everyone thinks that blondes are best but we all know that redheads are all fire!

What color hair should i go?

How about brown?

What color hair should i go?

brown would look great on you

What color hair should i go?

I would go auburn, but not too red. Too much red would make you glow with your complexion. I would keep it kind of light.

What color hair should i go?

I would say Dark blonde or brown, with red and blonde highlights.- But stay away from going totally Red, alittle won't hurt! You think Blonde is hard to keep up, RED IS WORSE!

What color hair should i go?

whatever you do,don't go real dark at first! Since you've been blonde for so long it would seem really harsh. I'd get lowlights with highlights at first to see how you like having a darker hair color. But I think brown would look nice on you. A cool ash brown probably would be best. I've always heard never to go three shades lighter or darker than your naturally color because it will look unnatural so I'd keep that in mind when coloring your hair! Oh, one more thing, I'd go to a hairdresser and stay way from permanent colors. They are really damaging and if you don't like it, hard to get rid of. Go with a semi-permanent color if you want healthier and shiny hair if you plan on coloring your hair

What color hair should i go?

caramel brown?

What color hair should i go?

you could dye it back to your blonde which is ur natural color. that would look great. or dye it brown.

blue eyes are beautiful with almost every hair colour. but they look best with blonde or brown hair. if u dye it a subtle brown your gorgeous eyes will stiick out and look even more beautiful. having brown hair and blue eyes is very unique because not many people are born with the two combined.

i think your best choice is a brown.

but with blue eyes and fair skin you shuld stay away from reds oranges and purples. they just dont look right with blue eyes.

What color hair should i go?

Golden Honey Blonde with Pink Highlights.

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