Friday, June 18, 2010

I dyed my bangs blue and need to dye them back to brown.?

I bleached my bangs first and used manic panic. I did this about 2 months ago so most of the blue has faded out it's kind of a lite gray blue color now mostly. My hair is pretty short, the bangs only go down to my chin. I'm in a wedding so my hair has to be normal colored. I thought I could just buy some brown hair dye at the store. My mom thinks otherwise. What should I do?

I dyed my bangs blue and need to dye them back to brown.?

Your mom is wrong. You can just dye over it. As long as you're not lightening it with the dye, and it's a dark or medium brown, you should be fine. It would help to know which Manic Panic blue you used, but the answer is pretty general. Hope this helps.

I dyed my bangs blue and need to dye them back to brown.?

While store bought hair dye does work really well, you are going to be in a wedding so I'd recommend getting them professionally done, just to be sure that they look good for the wedding. But, I would recommend asking your mom to help you pay for the professional dye because it is expensive, and she is the one that recommended you don't go store-bought.

I dyed my bangs blue and need to dye them back to brown.?

Your best bet would be to get a semi permanent hair color, one with no peroxide in it ,that should last about 5 weeks,

you keep doing that every five weeks,until it grows out. if you cut off a 1/2 inch every month,(that's how much it will grow out) you will get rid of the unwanted color

I dyed my bangs blue and need to dye them back to brown.?

Regular hair dye will work. Although I do think you should do it now so your look can be gotten over by the wedding time- dont want everyone saying you dyed your hair back- bride will be pissed- you'll steal her thunder- enter bridezilla. lol

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