Friday, June 18, 2010

Braces color!!!!??!! light blue???

Ok..I am getting my braces next week, and i really want a good braces color for me. Is light blue good with black hair?

Please answer asap!!

Braces color!!!!??!! light blue???

hey girl, i had braces but i had clear ones - that way from a distance it only looks like you only have a wire on - It was great no one relised till they got really close i had braces -

-The only problem was when i ate i had to brush my teeth afterwards as sometimes food would get stuck.

but if you do want color light blue would be nice - just dont go for yellow or green or any of those colors as it makes your teeth look dirty.

Also make sure you clean them at least three times a day others wise when you get them taken off you will have a white mark on your teeth and around where the braces were you will have a yellow stain and it looks funny.

Good Luck

Braces color!!!!??!! light blue???

yeah! perfect. any color will go, but light blue sounds good.

I'm getting braces next week too! what color for me? i have brown hair and blue eyes!

Braces color!!!!??!! light blue???

light blue is a perfect color to go w/ black hair. if you have blue eyes, then it'll make them stand out even more and look very nice.

Braces color!!!!??!! light blue???

o definetly!

Braces color!!!!??!! light blue???

Sure. Get light blue, then if you dont like it, when you go back to get the wires changed, you can pick a different color if you want.

Braces color!!!!??!! light blue???

yeah! that will look reallly good!

Braces color!!!!??!! light blue???

well if you like light blue, go for it but you should really think and consider that would you like it if you saw them in a picture, the mirror, in front of your friends and everybody else(if you really care) because you won't be able to change the color for a month! Blank hair?it's fine! as long as you like it and feel comfortable.

Think about the simple.

Braces color!!!!??!! light blue???

I think that light blue would look fine with black hair.

However, one thing I learned while I had braces (I had them for 8 years) is that when you choose dark colors, then from a distance it looks like you have food on your teeth or something. It looks horrible in pictures. I know it's boring, but my recommendation would be to use clear.

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