Friday, June 18, 2010

Ok I have brown hair that goes half way down my back any hair styles you would suggest?

-ok, I don't want it like hello short but a lil below

my shoulders.

-My mum wont allow wild colours in my hair like pink or


-I have curly hair, I straighten it sometime but id like it

to be were it would look got curly or straight.

-I don't no granny hair cut so please keep the hair

styles in tune with the days

-Thank you all how give me some idea's that would

look good.=]]

Ok I have brown hair that goes half way down my back any hair styles you would suggest?

Well, to start off ~ cut your hair not too short but not too long.

- medium-long cut

- a nice side fringe

- double layer your hair

- V-style cut the end of your hair

- if your hair is quite thick, thin it a little on your bottom layer.

Cheers :]

Ok I have brown hair that goes half way down my back any hair styles you would suggest?

ooo, get a perm. Straight would prob look good

Ok I have brown hair that goes half way down my back any hair styles you would suggest?

Get it cut a bit shorter, then layer it. If you layer it, all the curves and waves would come out, but then you could still straighten it if you wanted sometimes.

Hassle free hair. Just wash it, get out of the shower, run your fingers through your hair, then you are ready to go!

Waves ahoy!!!!

Ok I have brown hair that goes half way down my back any hair styles you would suggest?

it depends on the shape of your face....if its round get them staightened and get lots of flicks...u sure to turn some heads ;)! lol..goodluk!

Ok I have brown hair that goes half way down my back any hair styles you would suggest?

you could try and get a fringe and some layers if you dont already have them.

also go to a virtual hairstyler on the internet, you can try out hairstyles on a photo of yours %26amp; decide what hairstyle shapes your face. :)

here is a good website:

or you could try searching on google for a good hairstyler. :)

good luck !


Ok I have brown hair that goes half way down my back any hair styles you would suggest?

Long hair is extremely sexy! Leave it alone

Ok I have brown hair that goes half way down my back any hair styles you would suggest?

I think leave it long and have it layered, that looks the best on girls....the more layers the better!

Ok I have brown hair that goes half way down my back any hair styles you would suggest?

Ok I have brown hair that goes half way down my back any hair styles you would suggest?

I recon u should get short layers but leave the bottom of ur hsir long sorta like a scene haircut. Go to google or photobucket and type in scene haircuts if ur interested in it :)

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